Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Kecelakaan Pesawat Terbang di Filipina tanggal 10 Desember 2011

By Unknown Selasa, 13 Desember 2011 0 comments
Plane crashes into Philippines shanty town killing 12

A cargo plane has crashed into a shanty town in the Philippines after an emergency landing at Manila Airport went wrong.

The crash sparked a fire that has so far killed 12 people, including three children as well as the pilot and co-pilot, and left 20 people injured.

Police chief inspector Enrique Sy said: 'The plane struck one house but the others also went up in flames. These are informal settlers, packed into rows of houses.'

Florencio Bernabe, the mayor of Paranaque district where the crash occurred, said that at least 50 shanties burned down and at least 20 other injured victims had been taken to hospital.

The fire also took over a local primary school, but it was empty because it was a weekend.

Ramon Gutierrez, head of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, told DZBB radio in an interview that the pilot had asked to be allowed to make an emergency landing back at Manila airport shortly after take-off.

'Unfortunately,' he said, 'the plane did not make it.'

Gutierrez added that the cause of the crash was not immediately known, and that the plane would have been carrying a full tank of fuel when it crashed.

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sedangkan untuk bahasa indonesianya versi google. translate :

Sebuah pesawat kargo jatuh ke sebuah kota kumuh di Filipina setelah pendaratan darurat di Manila Bandara beres.

Kecelakaan itu memicu kebakaran yang sejauh ini telah menewaskan 12 orang, termasuk tiga anak-anak serta pilot dan co-pilot, dan meninggalkan 20 orang terluka.

Kepala Kepolisian Inspektur Enrique Sy mengatakan: "Pesawat itu menghantam satu rumah tapi yang lain juga habis terbakar. Ini adalah pemukim informal, dikemas ke dalam baris rumah. "

Florencio Bernabe, walikota distrik Paranaque mana kecelakaan itu terjadi, mengatakan bahwa setidaknya 50 lapak dibakar dan sedikitnya 20 korban luka-luka lainnya telah dibawa ke rumah sakit.

Api juga mengambil alih sebuah sekolah dasar setempat, tapi itu kosong karena itu akhir pekan.

Ramon Gutierrez, kepala Otoritas Penerbangan Sipil Filipina, mengatakan kepada radio DZBB dalam sebuah wawancara bahwa pilot telah meminta izin untuk melakukan pendaratan darurat di bandara Manila kembali lama setelah lepas landas.

'Sayangnya,' katanya, 'pesawat tidak berhasil. "

Gutierrez menambahkan bahwa penyebab kecelakaan itu tidak segera diketahui, dan bahwa pesawat akan membawa tangki penuh bahan bakar ketika jatuh.

foto TKP : 

source : DP kaskus
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